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Player Survey: FarmVille2 Fairs

Howdy farmers! Your feedback has always been important to us! Take this short survey on FarmVille 2 Fairs and help us make your visit to the fairs more fun!

1. Do you play the fair every week on FarmVille 2?  *This question is required.
2. Do you feel accomplished after winning the fair?  *This question is required.
3. Do you think your win could be surfaced/showcased better to your friends and neighbors?
  *This question is required.
4. On winning at the fair, would you like to be better recognized by your fellow farmers? *This question is required.
5. Would you like to use a space/spot on your farm to showcase your win at the fair?
  *This question is required.
6. On winning, would you like to choose a special color theme for your farm messaging? *This question is required.
7. Would you like players to see a special animation congratulating you on visiting your farm?
  *This question is required.
8. Would you want to notify your friends after winning big at the fair?
  *This question is required.
9. Would you like your league badge to be showcased on your farm for your friends/neighbors to view?  *This question is required.
10. Would you want to be notified when your friend/neighbor wins at the fair? *This question is required.
11. Would you congratulate your winning friends if you got rewards for doing so? *This question is required.
12. Would you visit your friend who won at the fair more often if you would get better rewards for visiting his/her farm?  *This question is required.
Thank you for taking this survey. Click on submit to get your 10 Free Water!